Year 10B Parents’ Evening - Online Appointment Booking
I would like to invite you to attend our Parents’ Evening on Wednesday, 12th February, 3:30pm to 6:30pm via video call, to discuss your child’s progress. Please use the online appointment booking system to book appointments. The online booking system allows you to choose your own appointment times with relevant teachers. You will receive an e-mail confirming your appointments once you have completed the booking process.
Appointments can be made from today and will close at 12:00 noon on Tuesday, 11th February. Please visit to book your appointments. Login is completed with the following information:
Student’s Legal First Name
Student’s Legal Surname
Student’s Date of Birth
If you do not have access to the internet, please contact us at the school and we will be happy to add appointments on your behalf. Should you wish to make any changes after the closing date, please contact the school office.
The help sheet here will provide you with further guidance on holding a video call through our Parents’ Evening online system. There is now the possibility for two parents / carers to attend the Parents’ Evening from two different locations, which is explained at the end of the guide.
Video call (with or without your camera on) is very much our preferred method of communication for the evening, but if you do not have the technology at home to support video calls, at the point of booking your appointment, please add a message for the teacher, requesting e-mail communication instead. Please note that e-mails, where requested, are usually sent by teachers after the main Parents’ Evening has taken place.
If you are unable to book to see a teacher as their appointment list is already full, please add your details to the waiting list facility on the online appointment booking system and the relevant member of staff will endeavour to contact you via e-mail to update you on your child’s progress following the Parents’ Evening.
Yours sincerely
Mr D Watkins
Deputy Headteacher
Mr R Slack
Head of Year 10