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Student Council

The BHCS Student Council

The Brighton Hill Community School Student Council is a group of students who meet twice a week to discuss and take action on issues regarding students' experiences within the school. The Student Council has representatives from all 5 year groups with one representative from each House per year group (4 students per year group). This excludes year 11 which has eight spaces for our student leadership team made up of two Head Students, 2 Deputy Head Students and 4 House Captains. The group is chaired by the two Head Students, William Digance and Amelia Deavin.

Within the group, the students are all part of a smaller team which is given a certain issue to tackle or an event to organise. Each student gets the opportunity to join whichever group they feel most passionately about. Some examples of these are the charity group, which takes a lead of organising charity events such as BHCS Does Strictly (which is an annual fundraiser for BBC’s Children in Need), and BHCS does The Masked Singer. In addition to this we have the student voice team which focuses on raising student voice within the school to tackle the issues/concerns which the student body face, as well as a sustainability group and a group looking at the site and facilities.

The impact the Student Council has had on the school over the years has been vast and we cannot wait to see what the future holds for this wonderful group of students.

William Digance and Amelia Deavin

Student Council chairs