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Brighton Hill Community School - Admissions


Brighton Hill Community School is a secondary school located in Basingstoke, Hampshire.


The school participates in the local authority co-ordinated admissions scheme where an equal preference system operates (for details see LA website: School admissions | Education and learning | Hampshire County Council).


The Published Admission Number PAN is 255 for all year groups, with the exception of the 'Class of 2028' where the PAN is 285 for that cohort only.

To apply for a place at Brighton Hill Community School for either the main round admissions (Year 6 into Year 7) or an in-year transfer (of students currently in Year 7 - 11) please follow the guidance on the website linked above.


Alternatively, please use the link below to find a paper copy of the application form.  This form must be submitted to

If you have any queries about making an application for a place, please find relevant contact details here: Admissions contacts | Education and learning | Hampshire County Council