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Curriculum Vision, Aims & Commitments

Published: 11-10 -2024

Our Curriculum Vision

At Brighton Hill Community School, we are designing our curriculum so that it helps to develop and grow our students into the happy, safe and empowered people that we know they are capable of becoming. Our vision is to provide them with breadth and balance in their curriculum experiences and to ensure that every student’s needs are met so that they are prepared for the challenges they may face in life and are empowered to change their lives for the better.

Our Curriculum Aims

  • A knowledge-engaged* curriculum for our students where success is inevitable, using current research and knowledge of the needs of our own students to inform our curriculum design
  • A thirst for learning within our school culture, in which students are committed to make good progress and achieve excellence, taking into account individual needs
  • A curriculum that will enrich and empower students to access the next stage of their education, be responsible citizens and be aspirational in their life and career choices

Our Curriculum Commitments

  • To plan for the development and long-term retention of knowledge and skills in a range of subjects at Key Stage 3, to ensure a solid foundation upon which to build learning at Key Stage 4
  • To ensure that English and Mathematics are prominent in the curriculum and that literacy and numeracy are interwoven into subject curricula, so that students have the essential skills needed to access the full curriculum and for life beyond school
  • To embed ‘Values’ into our curriculum so that our students have the understanding of the world around them and the life skills that will enable them to grow into empowered, well-rounded individuals who are able to live safe, happy and fulfilling lives and make a positive contribution to society
  • To ensure that students are offered a broad range of educational experiences to enhance their experience of learning, life and culture
  • To firmly embed a comprehensive careers programme within the curriculum to enable students to be aspirational and make well-informed career decisions which will change their lives for the better.

For further information about the curriculum that students study please contact Mrs H Humphreys (

*this term refers to a curriculum which values both knowledge and skill, as opposed to a solely knowledge-led or skills-led curriculum