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Safeguarding determines the actions that we take to keep children safe and protect them from harm in all aspects of their school life. As a school we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all of our students.

The actions that we take to prevent harm; to promote wellbeing; to create safe environments; to educate on rights, respect and responsibilities; to respond to specific issues and vulnerabilities all form part of the safeguarding responsibilities of the school.

We want to work in partnership with our parents to ensure the best possible care can be provided for our children. With this in mind, we look to provide a comprehensive range of information and guidance for our parents, on a host of topical issues that our young people face today.

Information and guidance on internet safety, cyber bullying, sexting, knife crime, sexual harassment and many other relevant topics can be found on various links on this page. You will find more information about safeguarding at Brighton Hill in the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy below.

We have a strong, dedicated team of Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) at Brighton Hill, with a DSL linked to each year group as below:

  • Year 7: Mr Du-Heaume
  • Year 8: Ms Richards
  • Year 9: Ms Morrisroe
  • Year 10: Mr Matthews
  • Year 11: Miss Thomas

If you have any concerns about your child or any of our students, you can contact any of the safeguarding team directly or via our '' email. Equally, you can contact any member of staff to report a concern. 

If you have an immediate concern, a concern out of school hours, or can't contact a member of staff, please visit or the Police, as appropriate.