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BHCS Performance Data

On this page you will be able to review the most recent Brighton Hill Community School performance data as published by the Department for Education (DfE). Revised results for the class of 2024 according to the Government's Publication Timetable are expected to be published by the DfE in February 2025.

Most Recent Results Data

For our last published set of performance data from the Department for Education generated from the 2024 Summer Exam Series click here.

Performance Overtime

To view and compare performance data overtime click here.

Understanding Trends in Performance Across Recent Years

The academic year 2023-24 was the second formal exam season since the Covid pandemic, where national qualification grade boundaries were returned to pre-pandemic equivalents. For this reason the 2019-20 data is not included (the year of Centre Assessed Grades and 1st year of the pandemic where the Department of Education did not hold schools to account or publish institution level data). Similarly the 2020-21 data is not shown (the year of Teacher Assessed Grades and 2nd year of the pandemic). Schools were advised by the Department for Education not to use this data as part of their performance management process.

The academic year 2021-22 saw a return to formal examinations but with grade boundaries adjusted down to account for 'the lost years' of formal schooling due to the pandemic. For this reason, the outcomes the Department for Education write in their 'School and college accountability: 2021 to 2022 academic year', policy paper.

'We recognise the uneven impact on schools and colleges of the pandemic and will ensure clear messages are placed on the performance tables to advise caution when drawing conclusions from the 2021 to 2022 data. Qualification results achieved in 2021 to 2022 will also count towards school and college performance measures in future years.'

The 3-year trend provided 2018-19, 2022-23 & 2023-24 is the most comparable data series to show the progress trajectory of the school.

However given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data,the government has said "you should not make direct comparisoms between the performance data of one school or collge and another, or to data from previous years."

Click the following link for the Secondary accountability measures 2023-2024 guidance (